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I have a zap where a user will select multiple characteristics in a form (greater than 3) of a tutor they would like to connect with e.g. subject, experience years, speciality

I have made a table of names in google sheets each with the different characteristics. I would like to look through the sheet and based on atleast 3 different charactersitics (subject, experience years, speciality) select one of the people from the list as there could be hundreds. If there is not a perfect match should return a name that meets atleast two of the three.

In zapier I can only lookup based on one value and then add an additional condition which further restricts the search. 

How can I solve this for my use case to lookup based on multiple different criteria and also return the closest match?

Hi @Reachitt, welcome to the Community! 👋

Ah yes, the Lookup Spreadsheet Row action for Google Sheets only has the option to specify two Lookup Columns to reference when searching. There is an existing feature request open for the ability to have additional lookup columns specified which seems to be what you’d need here so I’ve gone ahead and added your vote for that. I can’t make any promises as to when that feature might become available but you’ll get an email notification from us the minute it is!

In the meantime, I wonder if a way around this might be to merge the values of the characteristics into an additional column in the Google Sheets spreadsheet so that you could then use the Zap to search that column for a match for multiple values? It would likely look for an exact match for the combined subject, experience years and speciality values. So you may need to also use an additional Lookup Spreadsheet Row action that checks two separate columns for example subject and speciality to find a match. That way if the first search action doesn’t find an exact match the second will hopefully find a match on the two instead to get a close match.

Please do let us know if you’re able to get that working, or find a different solution for this in the meantime. We’d love to hear how you get on with this! 🙂

Hi @Reachitt 

Another option is to use Airtable instead of GSheets.

Airtable Find Record has a Search Formula that can be used.