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Looking to hire someone to build 4-5 Zaps with QBO/custom fields

  • 11 February 2021
  • 1 reply


What seems like a straight forward project is turning into something very complicated.  I am sure this will involve webhooks/API and we are a very small company.

  1. When a new customer/vender is created in QBO it also creates them in the CRM (Clarity) then returns the CRM account number into a QBO custom field
  2. When a quote is converted into a Sale in the CRM, Zapier does a look-up of that customer in QBO based on the CRM account number in a QBO custim field.  If that account does not exist then it creates the account
  3. When a new product is created the CRM quote is is also added to the Product/Services cataloug in QBO.
  4. When an invoice or Paid invoice is emailed from QBO the PDF is attached to the account in the CRM.
  5. I am sure I can think of another zap to two we want to do.

I know this sounds straight forward but the custom fields in QBO and the lack of email triggers in Zapier for QBO makes this require webhooks or API work.

Please contact me for more details and we can work out 



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1 reply

Userlevel 1

Hi Scott,

I can help you with QBO custom fields. If you would like to have a quick video call to discuss you can book a time that works for you at 
