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Hey Zapier community! 👋

I'm trying to set up an automated workflow to send an email if a session hasn't been booked 7 days after a client's Discovery Call. We use for scheduling and ThriveCart for payment, but I’m unsure how to pull that information to trigger the follow-up email in Zapier.

Has anyone tackled something like this before? Any advice on how to grab the Discovery Call date and check if a session hasn't been booked would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

Hi @LifeCraft 

Try this type of logic…

Log the Discovery Calls in a table as a record.

Options for lookup tables:

Log the sessions in the same table by finding/updating the existing record.

Add logic to check for your desired record criteria.

  • Schedule
    • Run on a daily schedule to search for records that match your criteria, then process each individually
  • Airtable Views
    • Views are segments of data that can have Filter conditions
    • Views can be used to trigger Zaps or native Airtable Automations

Hi there @LifeCraft👋

Did Troy’s suggestions here help to get things sorted? If you're still stuck or need more help, just let us know - we’re happy to assist further! 
