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Line Itemizer for Paragraphs with Varying Inputs

I have a record summarising the incidents that a client is involved in during each month. For some months this could be 0 incidents, for others there could be 5 or 6 etc. 


I am trying to translate this noise into external facing notion pages that give a summary of the month for each client and the individual events they were affected by. 


Here is how I am currently using the Line Itemizer feature: 

It is giving me a great output:


Which I was hoping I could use to now have a paragraph for 1: and a paragraph for 2: 


However when I get to a later text based action step and I look for the outputs I generated above, I get the same comma delineated stuff: 

Is there some other step I should be using?

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Hugpuf 


The comma separated text is actually line items. i.e.: if you use a Loop by Zapier step, you can trigger the next actions separately for each of the line items. This would be your solution if you are looking to create a new entry for each of the line items. 


HOWEVER, IF I understand correctly, I would approach this differently. I would use Rollup fields and Formulas in Airtable to summarize the incidents in a paragraph for each client (given that you have your clients Linked to the incident in Airtable) THEN use this summary to create 1 record in Notion per client (if that is what you are looking for?) 


Let me know if that makes sense and if you need any more help. 

Userlevel 1

Hi Moh, thanks for responding so quickly to this. 


I have created a short loom giving a run down of where I’m at: 



Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Hugpuf. Thanks so much for sharing that helpful video to explain the situation. 🙂 

With Looping by Zapier you’d end up creating to separate database items. So if there were two incidents for a client, there would be one database item added for each of the incidents. 

But if you’re wanting all incidents to be added into a single database item then I’d suggest adding an additional Formatter action. You’d need a Formatter (Utilities > Line-item to Text) to convert the line items into text which you can then select in the Notion action. For example a Formatter action with the following set up would output all the incident line item information as text separated by a couple of return breaks:

You would then select the Output Text field, from that Formatter action, in the Notion action. Which would look like this:
And that would result in it appearing in Notion like this:
Would that approach work for you here? 

Userlevel 1

This is awesome ^ thank you so much

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

You’re welcome, @Hugpuf. Happy to help! 😁