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Latest comment from Zendesk to Notion

I currently have a zap setup that finds the latest comment in a Zendesk view to update a Notion database. The problem is that I only need it to update the internal notes from the Zendesk ticket to be passed to Notion.

How can I do this if the internal note is not always the latest comment?


Hi @kcexplorer 

If there is a data point that indicates the note type, then try using a Filter step:

I will have to give that a try to see if that works.

Hi @kcexplorer,


We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out. We're happy to address any concerns and assist you.


We're looking forward to your response.

I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but hoping to get it done today.

i was. able to apply the filter condition and it worked. Thank you so much for your help.

So it doesn’t appear that there is a way to filter just internal notes from Zendesk to update Notion using the filters from zapier. Does anyone know how I can do this.

Hi @kcexplorer 👋

Sorry to hear that approach didn’t work. I did some checking and found we have an existing feature request for the ability to trigger on new comments (private comments = internal notes) that are added to a ticket. This type of trigger would potentially allow you to run a Zap when a new internal note is added so I’ve gone ahead and added your vote to that feature request so we can notify you if/when it gets aded. Looking at Zendesk’s API though it seems that it’s not possible to get all comments from a GET request without providing the ticket ID so Zendesk would need to remove this requirement from their API in order for that feature request to be implemented on our end. 

But we may still be able to workaround this. What trigger are you currently using? Is it the New Action on Ticket trigger? If so it looks like there’s a Public field that may be only returned for public comments in a ticket thread in Zendesk. Were you filtering on that field previously when it worked previously? 

Looking forward to hearing from you on this!

Thanks for your help. So the Zap is set up that any time a New ticket is put in a certain view, it adds the last comment from the ticket to the Notion database.

This works fine 95% of the time, because normally any ticket that gets put in the view has an internal note in the last comment, however there are times that the last comment is a public note and the wrong information gets sent to Notion.

When it did work, I created the filter below...however it did not extract the internal note that was above the public note.


I also tried setting up a custom action, however it seems to keep failing and I’m getting the following error:
Relay error: Domain did not match expected domain filter `*`

Thanks for getting back to me @kcexplorer!

Ah, it looks like that filter is set up to check whether the Plain Body field does not contain the same value that’s contained with Public field. I don’t think that’s what you’d want to use here as according to the API documentation for Zendesk that Public field is a boolean type of field which will be false if it’s a private comment (internal note) or true if it’s a public comment.

So if you’d like the Zap to only continue if it’s an internal note I’d suggest changing the filter to check the Public field using the condition (Boolean) Is false instead. This is should ensure that it will only continue if it’s an internal note. Can you give that a try and let me know if that works any better?

With that “Relay error: Domain did not match expected domain filter `*`” error I’d recommend reaching out to our Support team about that. They’ll be able to dig in to the logs for your account and can assist further on resolving that error. Want to ensure this gets sorted so please keep us updated on how you get on with this! 🙂
