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Keap/Infusionsoft to Google Sheets

  • 10 July 2020
  • 1 reply

I’m doing a LookUp in a Column in a Google Sheet using a value field in Infusionsoft. When Zap finds the value I then have it input a value from another Infusionsoft field in another cell in that same row that the first value was found.

When I run the Tests it works perfectly. When I turn the Zap on and Tag a contact in Infusionsoft to trigger the Zap it fails. It doesn’t find the original Infusionsoft field, but it starts looking for a different field name.

Is this happening with anyone else? I have run this test and recreated the Zap several times with the same results.

Hey there @Shawnster - Thanks for writing to us! Would you mind sending us a screenshot to show exactly what the original field is and what the different field name is? We’d like to investigate further.
