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Jotform > Google Calendar

  • 9 March 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Guys,


I’m semi new to implementing my Zaps.

I’m wanting to configure a calendar event when a Jotform submission is received.

(I have a contracting business, and customers submit forms when they want an on-site inspection)

There's a few hiccups I'm running into.

Firstly, I don't know how to set the date and time of the event created.

Say for example, the Jotform is received at 4th of March at 5.30pm, but I want the event created the following morning, so I can call the client and create the booking with their confirmed timeframe.

Secondly, when I made a trial run, the date and time field from the Jotform field, was interpreted, and created on April 3rd instead of March 4th? 

I have all time zones in all apps set correctly.


Screenshot attached for reference.


Thanks in advance!


Good question.

(screenshots weren’t attached)


You can use a Formatter > Date / Time > Format step to get the date into the format that GCal requires.


Is the event created on the wrong date, specifically with the month and day switched?

Regardless of the settings in your Google Calendar, data sent through their API (as Zapier does) must be in MM/DD/YYYY format. So, if you try to send an event for April 7, 2021 as 07/04/2021, Google Calendar will interpret that as July 4, 2021. The dates need to be in MM/DD/YYYY format to ensure Google Calendar adds the event to the correct date(s). If your trigger is sending the data in DD/MM format, you can use a Formatter step to reformat the date.