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Jira>Discord Zap

  • 28 February 2020
  • 5 replies

Hi All,

A little confused here. I have created a Jira to Discord Zap so when a new issue is created in my jira cloud instance, a message is posted to a Discord channel in my server. However, it doesn't pass any of the issues data. It seems like it would be simple to solve, as I'd hoped there would be an area in the discord section of the zap to say what it should be copying from the jira portion, but it doesnt, it just seems to let me post a message saying something like "An Issue is created" What am I doing wrong here? I was hoping this was going to be something like Jira's slack integration.

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @MisterPariah just stepping in for Danvers here!

If you click on the "+" to the right of the "Message Text" field, that should show you some options from Jira that you can use in that step.

Does that help? Let us know!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @MisterPariah Sorry for the delay in getting an answer on this for you!

Could you please show a screenshot of what you can see in the Discord step? If you're using the 'Send Channel Message action' then there should be a field for the message text.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @MisterPariah! If you click on any of those fields then when the Zap runs it will use the information in that field.

For example if you click the 'Key' field, then 'BV21' will show in the box in the editor to let you know what the message will look like, but when the Zap runs, it will use the Key of whichever issue triggered the Zap. Does that makes sense? So, basically, look at the text in bold on the left - that's the field that will be added to the message. The lighter text is an example of what you'll see based on the sample that we have from the trigger step.

Userlevel 3

@Danvers Thanks for the reply

Ive attached the screenshot. There is a space for the message, but nothing to reference the ticket number, etc. I would think there would be something that would display the ticket id (preferably with a link) and at least the summary of the issue. The only thing I can do is utilize the text of an already created issue, which kind of seems to be missing the point imo.

Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 5.23.25 PM.png

Userlevel 3

Hi @jesse

Thanks for your response. I did try that previously but

image.pngas you can see it just asks me to reference an issue already created. For example with the way I have it configured, every time a new issue is created, it will post a message about "Bv-21", the same ticket, over and over. What I need is for the currently created ticket information to copy over, it needs like a (CurrentIssue) type of reference, you know?