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Issues with first name field in leadpages not showing

  • 27 November 2020
  • 12 replies

Hi  - I am having issues with the first name field not pulling through on my leadpages to zoom integration 

It says form is connected  - image #1 but for some reason not an option pulling through on zoom - any ideas?



Try submitting a new lead then pulling thru the example.


Just checking in to see if you still need help with this? 

im having this same issue and whenever my leads sign up and receive a email. . . . it doesn’t say their name

Hi @taylormade_jt

Try submitting a new lead then pulling thru the example.


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Hi @taylormade_jt 

Please reference the article below with instructions about how to pull thru new example records to use on the trigger step of your Zap.

Hi @taylormade_jt

Try submitting a new lead then pulling thru the example.




Can you provide screenshots of how your Zap step is configured?

Looks like you might have a hardcoded value for ‘First Name’ instead of a dynamically mapped value.


Can you provide screenshots of how your Zap step is configured?

Looks like you might have a hardcoded value for ‘First Name’ instead of a dynamically mapped value.


I’m not sure what to put in the first name field to make whatever name they put in. . .  to reflect back to them


Can you confirm you’ve gone thru these steps.

  1. Submitted a new lead.
  2. Try to pull thru new trigger test data.
  3. Select new trigger test data to use to configure the Zap. (Does this include the first name data point?)


1. Select new trigger test data

  • Click to open the Trigger step.
  • Click to expand the Test trigger section.
  • Click the dropdown menu and select a different item. You'll be able to see the data from the new item you've selected.
  • If you want to choose from a greater selection of items, click Load more.

Gmail email options



Can you confirm you’ve gone thru these steps.

  1. Submitted a new lead.
  2. Try to pull thru new trigger test data.
  3. Select new trigger test data to use to configure the Zap. (Does this include the first name data point?)


1. Select new trigger test data

  • Click to open the Trigger step.
  • Click to expand the Test trigger section.
  • Click the dropdown menu and select a different item. You'll be able to see the data from the new item you've selected.
  • If you want to choose from a greater selection of items, click Load more.

Gmail email options


I’m going to be honest. I have no idea what you’re referring to. could a support person do this for me? 

@taylormade_jt You can submit a ticket to Zapier Support here:

In the meantime, it’s suggested to read and review the available help articles: