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Hi, I hope you’re doing great.

I created a zap like: 

Google form > Google spreadsheet > Google Slide  >  Gmail

Every response in Form create a new row in the Spreadsheet some data from the Spreadsheet are taken in a Slide and 7sent by Gmail. 

Probelm is that in spreadsheet is keeping creating new rows with the same data (name, and other detail) so the same slide has been sent many and many times.

Can you help me to stop this and to prevent it in the future?


Thank you


Kind regards


Please provide screenshots of how your Zap step is configured.

Hello! If you want to stop multiple items being sent (as I understand it - You want to ensure that no duplicates are sent to the Slide) 


What you could do is as follows:

  1. Trigger - New row in Google sheets 
  2. “Find Many Spreadsheet Rows” - Find any rows with identifying feature (e.g. email address)
  3. Create Filter that stops your zap if the number of rows with specified criteria (e.g. email address) found in previous zap is greater than 1

Can you try this and let us know how you get on?


Hey @maddau we just wanted to check-in to see how you’re doing with your Zap. Were you able to get things working? Let us know - we’d love to both make sure you’re taken care of and hear more about the solution!