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Is there a way to know if a zap will need to be paid BEFORE it’s completely created?

(I created one earlier this week - went to all the work of setting it up - and then at the end it told me we had to upgrade to another plan.)


Yeah, that’s a bummer. It’s hard to tell.

Plus side, it’s well worth a few bucks to automate processes. We save at least 20 hours/week on a plan that costs us ~$100/month. Even little things – a copy/paste from email, for instance – distract from other stuff. I’ll note, too, that I don’t get paid for endorsing Zapier ;)

Yes, there are many factors that determine if you need a Zapier paid plan:

NOTE: Zaps per se aren’t free or paid, rather apps in Zaps and Zap setups dictate if a Zapier paid plan is needed.

FYI: In the software world, common practice is “free to try” but “pay to buy”.


Common factors include:

  1. Multistep Zaps (2+ Actions Steps)
  2. Premium Apps:
  3. The number of Zaps you have ON
  4. The number of Tasks you use in a monthly billing cycle

@Julie Hood -

@Troy Tessalone is spot-on here. Free plans are only going to work for non-premium apps. (I usually just Google “ App name] Zapier” to see. If there’s a premium banner over the icon on the page on, it’s premium. 😉 )

Likewise, any multi-step zaps are going to require a paid plan. That’s anything beyond trigger + action. Throwing in a third step automatically elevates you to paid. 


That’s the link to the billing options? 

I would like to know when I’m on the zap creation screen and pick a pre-configured one whether it is paid or not. 


@Julie Hood The billing options indicate what’s included with each pricing plan tier.

What Zap creation screen are you referencing?

Perhaps provide screenshots or a link.

So I think the issue came up for us regarding Infusionsoft - when we started, I don’t think it was premium but it is now, so that was a surprise when we created a new zap.