Hey all. I have a zap set up to create a PDF version of a digital contract - and I'm using a Google Docs template to make it happen. Everything works great, except I need to insert an image of the captured digital signature... and I can't figure out how to insert a custom image into a Google Docs template.
For those that aren't intimately familiar with personalizing a form with a Google Docs template, you create your document template with tags like {{FirstName}}, {{PhoneNumber}}, etc.
Then, in Zapier, those tags are identified and you can map data into the template in this manner.
I am trying to figure out how to insert or embed an image into a Google template. I have the image hosted on my server so I'm looking to somehow insert it via URL. I could also use Google Drive to host the image... but I can't figure out how to insert an image by template.
Is anyone aware of a way to insert an image when creating a doc from template in Zapier? Maybe it's not possible. Thanks in advance!