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I have a Zap set up with CognitoForms, OneDrive, and ClickUp. Basically, the steps are laid out below:

  1. Trigger: Form on CognitoForms gets new entry
  2. Step 1: The PDF document that is created by CognitoForms as a result of form being filled out is uploaded to a folder in OneDrive.
  3. Step 2: Task is created in ClickUp. The sharing link from OneDrive for the document that was added to the OneDrive folder is added as part of the task description.


What I am trying to accomplish is that those viewing the task in ClickUp have the ability to see the document that was created as a result of the form being filled out. Is there a way to cut out OneDrive step and have the PDF document as an attachment in the ClickUp task?


Thanks! :) 

Hi @seanpreston 

If Cognito Forms is providing a PDF version of the file, then you should be able to add that file to the CU Task w/o needing OneDrive.


Have you tried this Zap action: ClickUp - Post Attachment