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Is there a character limit for the regex in the formatter?

  • 12 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Is there a character limit for the regex in the formatter?

I’m trying to use the Zapier formatter to find any city name. There are 100’s of city names in this regex when I shorten it to just a few cities it works fine as long as that city exists in the regex but if I include the full length it returned nothing…...I assume due to a character limit. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @rhprops1, thanks for joining the Community here! 👋

I did some digging on this end but couldn’t find any character limits documented for the Formatter (Text > Extract Pattern) action, but you could well be correct on this.

I wonder if you might have more luck using a Code by Zapier action for this instead of that Formatter action? It’s a bit more advanced but we do have an AI feature available for code action steps that could help write the necessary code you’d need to use for this. More on that here: Generate a Code step using AI (Beta)

Hope that helps. Do keep us updated on how you get on with this - keen to ensure you’re all set! 🙂
