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Is the AI by Zapier action based on Open AI's GPT?

  • 12 February 2024
  • 2 replies

I came across this AI by Zapier action. It seems to do some of the things I currently do but using the ChatGPT action. 

Can I get more info about how this is different? Is it based on GPT 3.5 or 4, for example? Or something else?

Hi @Ed M 

This was available before ChatGPT and OpenAI were released.

Probably better to use one of those apps instead.

Hi @Ed M 👋

Just came across this and wanted to help provide some answers to the questions asked here: 

I came across this AI by Zapier action. It seems to do some of the things I currently do but using the ChatGPT action.
Can I get more info about how this is different? Is it based on GPT 3.5 or 4, for example? Or something else?

Yes, the AI by Zapier app shares some of the same capabilities as the ChatGPT action such as the ability to parse and analyse text. But only has actions for using AI to parse text and route messages. You can learn more it’s capabilities here: Use AI in Zaps to analyze and parse your text

The AI by Zapier app uses gpt-3.5-turbo currently. There aren’t any options to select different models so if a different model is needed please reach out to our Support team to put in feature request to have additional models supported in the AI by Zapier app. 

The ChatGPT app has access to multiple models such as gpt-4 and has more advanced fields available to adjust the parameter settings to help improve it’s performance. Read our Advanced fields for OpenAI and ChatGPT guide to learn more. The ChatGPT app also has the ability to interact with OpenAI Assistants which the AI by Zapier app does not. See our Use OpenAI's Assistants API with your Zaps guide for more details.

Hope this helps to clarify some of the main differences and what’s available for those apps! 🙂