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Is it possible to update the trello options of a custom field?

I want to have a dropdown of a specific list, which should be automaticly be updated so in the card we can select them.

I tried the update card of the “template card” but if i update it with custom value it just does not change anything. I guess its cause my new values arent matching the current options. 


the api is able to handle a post for this. so maybe i have to create a webhook but would be awesome if it would be a trello zap action so i dont have to handle the token etc...

Hi @wwolf 

Resources for using APIs in Zap steps:


Hi @wwolf 

Resources for using APIs in Zap steps:


Thanks but this is just help for the api - which I came up with myself.

the initial question is, if it is possible with an existing trello action - if not i guess it would be worth a feature request?!


If there is not an available Zap app action, then the Trello API would have to be explored as a possible solution.
