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We want to have all our invoices from booqable from the start to now to be push through in Xero but I can’t find how we can push through old invoices as it’s onyl letting us test one invoice and the automation will onyl work for newly finalized invoices. But we need to have all our old invoices in xero to. 

Hi there @brandinnovate,

At the moment, Zaps are only built to look at new and incoming information, and won't process existing data. You can read a bit more about this here:

This means that data created before the Zap is turned on won't be pulled in automatically. 

That said, if you're able to export that data as a spreadsheet or CSV file, you may be able to "import" them using a separate Zap. This guide has some great visual references for getting that workaround set up:

Hopefully, this helps!