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I am trying to tag a certain discord group when Zapier post an announcement about a new post from my Ghost site. I can post default groups like @here and @everyone, but I don’t want to ping everyone. I only want to ping those that elect for it.


Anyone know how to fix this?

Hi @odin, welcome to the Community!

I did some checking and it appears that the Discord integration doesn’t fully support group mentions at present. I’ve added your vote to an existing feature request for all group mentions to be supported. I don’t have an ETA on when it will be implemented but we’ll be sure to email you as soon as it is! :)


Hi @odin, welcome to the Community!

I did some checking and it appears that the Discord integration doesn’t fully support group mentions at present. I’ve added your vote to an existing feature request for all group mentions to be supported. I don’t have an ETA on when it will be implemented but we’ll be sure to email you as soon as it is! :)




This is the same answer Zapier gave over a year ago on the same issue. 

 Is there still no ETA? I could do this with an API script/Web hook and a web scraper if I wanted to engineer my own solution. Is there any way that you can reach out to someone to get more information?

Hi there, @odin. Thanks for reaching out and your interest!

While we’re not able to offer an ETA at the moment, I can definitely appreciate your eagerness in getting this feature launched. This isn’t out of a desire to withhold information but rather us truly not having a timeline to offer for when or if this will be available. That said, if you have a workaround to achieve your desired workflow, that may be the more timely solution!

We’ll absolutely keep you informed via email and the thread updated as soon as we have more info to share though. Thanks again for your support!

Hi there, @odin. Thanks for reaching out and your interest!

While we’re not able to offer an ETA at the moment, I can definitely appreciate your eagerness in getting this feature launched. This isn’t out of a desire to withhold information but rather us truly not having a timeline to offer for when or if this will be available. That said, if you have a workaround to achieve your desired workflow, that may be the more timely solution!

We’ll absolutely keep you informed via email and the thread updated as soon as we have more info to share though. Thanks again for your support!

I don’t think it is yall trying to hide answers, I just think that years of people asking for the same question with 0 results is a bad look for a company whose whole presence is integration with applications and APIs. The discord API is well documented to the point that I could write discord bot in short order, but a multi-million dollar company can’t add group notifications for multiple years. 


What is the point of this product if it requires home grown integration and engineering? 

​Great news! 🎉 Being able to “@” mention users is now supported! More info, here: