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Is it possible to integrate the chatbot beta version of zapier in slack to discuss with it directly there ? 

Doesn’t let me put an action on chatbot zapier after I trigger a mention in slack in the edit mode.

Hi there, @Me129 👋

Currently there’s no actions available for Zapier Chatbots that could be used within a Zap to have a conversation with a chatbot. There’s an existing feature request for the ability to have a “send message/have conversation” type of action added which sounds like what you’re wanting here so I’ve added your vote to that feature request. I can’t make any promises around when or if that might be added but we’ll be sure to drop you an email as soon as it is!

Sorry to not have a more immediate solution or workaround to suggest. If there’s anything else I can help with in the meantime please do let me know. 🙂