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I am trying to add alternativeHosts when a new zoom meeting is created. 

when i do the test it says that it has been sent to zoom but when i check the details on the zoom account there is still not alternativeHosts set.

I had read about zoom “New Meeting” trigger not working so I have tried using using google calander as well as email to trigger. still not working.


Maybe the trigger is not the issue but the zoom itself?


either that or im doing something wrong


Hi there @CareER_user,

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to add an alternative host to Zoom at the moment. I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team to create a feature request on your behalf.

You can reach our Support Team here:

Hopefully, this helps.


I am also facing the same issue. If it’s not possible to add an alternative host to Zoom at the moment then why does it show that option in the action. Please check the screenshot I have attached.





I was able to solve the problem by using API request event in the zoom. 


Wow! Thanks so much for sharing how you solved this, ​@adnan-kamili—awesome work! 🙌 ✨

@CareER_user - it’s been a long time since you first created this topic, so I’m not sure if you found a different solution. If not and you’re still wanting to add alternative hosts to the meeting then it might be worth giving adnan-kamili’s solution a try.

Keen to ensure you’re all set so please keep us updated on how you’re getting on! 🙂

@adnan-kamili thanks i will try this out. 

I had given up and created a manual workflow for junior staff to do. So happy this can be automated. 

Wow! Thanks so much for sharing how you solved this, ​@adnan-kamili—awesome work! 🙌 ✨

@CareER_user - it’s been a long time since you first created this topic, so I’m not sure if you found a different solution. If not and you’re still wanting to add alternative hosts to the meeting then it might be worth giving adnan-kamili’s solution a try.

Keen to ensure you’re all set so please keep us updated on how you’re getting on! 🙂

You are welcome
