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Hi Zapier Community,

I really hope you can help me, I’m a bit stuck with this Zap.

Brief background:

A) We have a G-sheet which is populated with customer data: one row contains all information required for each person/company.

B) This data forms the basis of email campaigns in Instantly.

C) When a customer replies, we want to setup a trigger where:

1. Schedule: Every day:
1.1 Trigger: Instantly: Email reply from customer in Instantly Unibox is labelled as ‘Interested’.

2. Search: G-Sheet: that email address (that has replied and is labelled ‘interested) is found in our G-sheet row.

3. Action: G-Sheet: the parts of the row in the G-sheet is used to create:
3.1. Action: Pipedrive: Create Organisation.
3.1.1 Find Organisation in Pipedrive
3.2  Action: Pipedrive: Create Person.
3.2.1 Find: Person in Pipedrive.
3.3. Action: Pipedrive: Create Lead
3.4. Action: Pipedrive: Create Deal.

Here’s my progress, attached.

1. I have tested the Zap, but it doesn’t work. The output in Pipedrive is not good enough.
2. I am unsure on the steps involved above, can you verify this is correct?

Key Questions:
1) As you see from the screen, I have added intermediate steps:
This is because I need to link/re-use info from the Org → Person → Lead & Deal.

- Create Organisation
- Find Organisation
- Create Person
- Find Person
- Create Lead
- Create Deal.

2) I am working on another method, whereby the whole G-sheet is imported into Pipedrive, and then specific leads are labelled as deals when an email reply is labelled as ‘interested’ in Instantly.

2i) The above seems more feasible to me, as the sequence in my Zap seems convoluted.

Any opinions on this, please?

Thank you for your time in advance 🙂.

Kind Regards,
Automatic David

Hi @Automatic David 

For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in EDIT mode.