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Instagram trigger to LinkedIn action didn't post image

  • 19 May 2021
  • 1 reply

HI Team

I tried zapping from instagram to linkedin

Trigger >  instagram post
Action > Linkedin Post 

The above Zap worked fine, when the post published on instagram was video, but when the instagram post was Image It did not execute the result as expected.

Can you help me know why this happened?


Hey @sbbak!


Have you received any specific error messages on the errored Zap run? It does seem that all fields are properly set from your screenshot, so I'm wondering if this could have been caused by other factors, and not because it was an image instead of a video!

You can try replaying it as well, to see if that gets it to go through. Depending on the error you are seeing (especially if it was a 500 error), this can usually help! We've a handy guide on how to use replay:


Let us know if this helps!