I try to make a form that will signup a user in a third party system, if the user enters a product key along with their email address. However, I can find no way to redirect the user to a success page, nor fail page when form is submitted. I tried with paths and I tried adding an error handler, but neither support I give the user any feedback.
To me it seems like you can only make forms that will accept anything with no feedback to the user other than Okay, you submitted your data. Think of a simple login system.
I’ve had success creating tables with product keys and using the data in my tables to grant the user access to third party, but no success making a useful user experience? Any ideas?
Best answer by Troy TessaloneBest answer by Troy Tessalone
There is currently no option to do what you’ve described for the conditional redirects using Zapier Interface Forms.
I only try to use Zapier. I use their tables, interface and zaps.
No third party need to be involved.
Think of it as a login system, where a user write their email and a password (Zapier interface) on a form, and if the email and password exist in table (Zapier tables) then show user page A and show them page B or an error if they don’t exist. Page A and B can be a webpage hosted by Zapier interface or anywhere else.
No third party need to be involved and I have no technical problems with a third party.
Thank you. I guess I have to shop for another system then. I was really excited to bring an easy to use interface to the organization to make custom forms that required login.
Thank you Troy, but like I wrote originally I’m making a solution where people can enter a product key and email address to gain access to a third party system. The product keys was stored in a Zapier table to be verified and flagged used, when used.
The functionality is equal to a login system, it has data to lookup and then redirect the user to succes and fail just like login. So I can’t use a premade solution. I want control. Very simple control.
That type of custom login with lookup/redirect would require a combo of frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side) to handle the logic, and may require a custom solution.
Sometimes simple concepts are more involved when it comes to executing the technical concepts.
While Zaps can handle the Zapier Table lookup after a Zapier Interfaces Forms is submitted, there are no controls to pass that info back to the Zapier Interfaces Form frontend to then handle the redirect.
For one, the Zap steps could take too long to execution and thus timeout for the user waiting to be redirected on the frontend in the browser.
Thank you Troy. I’m not looking for excuses on behalf of Zapier, I’m looking for a solution and I may very well just write my own solution in c#
If Zapier can’t handle simple form data submission, data handle and action. If Zapier is so bad at designing their things, that I can’t lookup data in their own database table and then show a result on a custom page (if we put my 3. party integration aside for a moment), they might as well scrap their new interface and tables. All computer programming is about if, then, else.
If product key is valid then show success page else show fail page.