I’ve a spreadsheet with formula “=importrange(..)”.
Understood that when using =importrange, this kind of query and/or import formula only makes the update at the moment that the sheet is opened. This is a known behavior of the Google Sheets API, as discussed here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49268415/how-frequently-does-importrange-refresh — so the delay you're seeing in triggering is corresponding to the times that user opened the sheet.
Seems the Zap trigger is not consistent. Some trigger 30 mins later, some doesn’t trigger until user open the spreadsheet. To wait for user open the spreadsheet is a bit doesn’t make sense. Cos the form is public submission and we don’t know when they submit the form.
My flow:
- Public submit via Google Forms
- Spreadsheet A: Acknowledgement email to respondent via Zap (Trigger any column)
- Spreadsheet B: Use =importrange from Spreadsheet A to this spreadsheet B and another email send to respondent via Zap (Trigger ColA=Timestamp)
Anyone have any workaround or solution for the above,