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Hi friends,

Question for you guys. How do I import all unclosed tickets on Github to an Asana project?




Hi @JfanProduct 

Good question.

Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.

You may be better served doing a manual export from Github and import to Asana.

@JfanProduct Troy is correct here in that you won’t be able to grab existing data from Github, only data created after your Zap has been turned on. That said, we built an app called Transfer to be able to grab existing data to use to trigger your Zaps. 

Unfortunately, Github isn’t a supported app on for Transfer at this point in time (here is a list of apps that are), but we’re regularly making additions so hopefully we’ll see it supported soon! You can add your vote to see GitHub using this form: That will help add weight and priority for implementing this. :)