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I think I know the answer to this, but thought I would ask here, please help!

  • 27 January 2020
  • 3 replies

I am want to use Zapier to create new cards and place them in the appropriate list when a new row is added to one of my Google Sheet tabs.

So you understand my company, think of it as a magazine, my google sheet is updated daily by the people selling ads into the magazine.

Tab1 - holds all the details for the current edition of the magazine. (I have successfully built a Zap to create a new board based on this input).

Tab2 - holds all details for the advertisers who have purchased advertisements with my company. Each row is unique to the advertiser and contains a code connecting the advertiser to the project they have purchased.

I want to create a new card and place it in the appropriate board under the correct list. I cannot get the lists to load because I cannot get my projects connected.

When I go to choose the board to attach the new card, I am only given a list of the currently available boards - these obviously change, sometimes multiple times a day. I have tried to use the formatter tool, but I cannot use the lookup function for this because I do not know what the future list of possible items will be. I can't just connect text to text because Trello is looking for a code (See attached photo).

Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 12.34.56 PM.pngIs there something I am missing? I've looked through support section, watched videos, etc. I'm not sure where else to ask. Thank you in advance!

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10



So, you'll want to create a zap that triggers when a new Trello board is created and saves the board name and ID into two columns in a Google Sheet tab.

Then, if your zap that creates the card, you'll want to add a Google Sheets Lookup step, find the correct board and grab the board ID.

Then, when setting up the "Create Card" step, in the 'Board' dropdown, select "Use custom value" and then map in the Board ID from the Google Sheet.

Hopefully that makes sense?

Userlevel 1

Thank you so much!! That worked!

I'm fairly new to all this, but this is going to make my life so much easier by setting up my projects instantaneously.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

No worries @TOPCM - if you get stuck at all, just come back here for help.