Hi! I’m a veterinarian and would like to use some tech tools to simplify my and my colleague’s work.
We are trying out using an AI scribe service to generate a SOAP (a form of a medical record). It listens to our conversation in the exam room and organizes what we said into a coherent SOAP. To my surprise, it is working quite well!
We use a very old school (legacy is a nicer word, lol) practice management software called Avimark. Avimark is not cloud-based, web-based or anything. It is just a clunky program that holds patient records. For all its flaws, Avimark is paid whereas newer programs are very pricey so Avimark is here to stay.
I want to get all the parts of the AI generated SOAP copied and pasted into about 20 different text boxes in the specific place in Avimark. I’ll attach what the Avimark SOAP looks like.