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I can't use Text to line item outputs in Google Sheet

  • 17 February 2022
  • 4 replies

I want to add comma separated data from webhook to separate columns in Google sheet.

The value sent from Typeform is, for example: “FULL BODY, HOUSE, 1,”



To do this, I first split the comma-separated data into lines with text to line-item. And the output looks fine:


Then, when I want to add the output to separate fields in the Google sheet, it still appears separated by commas.




How can I solve this?

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @designteamm 

Try using Formatter > Text > Split instead.


Thanks for your quick response.

I tried text split. When I do split all, it splits. There is no problem. But when I add it to Google Sheet, I still see all of them with commas.






Then I chose the segment index first. I output the first item by itself and add it to the google sheet successfully. But this time the problem is that the indexes I can choose are only first, second, last, second to last.



I have an average of 10 areas that I need to split and I need to add them to Google Sheet. How should I do?

NOTE: When you separate it with a comma (,), if there is a comma in the sentence, it also separates the comma. I actually need to separate my data (",") like this.

Hello, Is there anyone to help me?

Userlevel 1


Thanks for your quick response.

I tried text split. When I do split all, it splits. There is no problem. But when I add it to Google Sheet, I still see all of them with commas.






Then I chose the segment index first. I output the first item by itself and add it to the google sheet successfully. But this time the problem is that the indexes I can choose are only first, second, last, second to last.



I have an average of 10 areas that I need to split and I need to add them to Google Sheet. How should I do?

NOTE: When you separate it with a comma (,), if there is a comma in the sentence, it also separates the comma. I actually need to separate my data (",") like this.


Hi @designteamm! 👋️


Looking at this screenshot, it looks like you have gotten to the point where you just need to specify the correct index, is that correct?


If so, you can click on “Custom”. There you should be able to enter any index that you need. Let us know if that works!