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Hubspot to Zendesk: creating a company when a new customer is won

  • 23 March 2020
  • 3 replies


I am attempting to sync a company from Hubspot to Zendesk. I’ve setup the connection into both apps and verified they are successful. I have admin permissions on both. 

The sync is pretty straight forward: When a new company in Hubspot has its Lifecycle field is set to Customer Zapier should create the company in Zendesk and copy over the fields I’ve specified. 

My problem is when the zap runs it doesn’t copy anything over since none of the fields match the filter. It appears what’s happening is zapier is expecting a “new” account to already have the Lifecycle field to be filled in when it’s created. I can’t figure out what zapier thinks is a new account.


I want to avoid copying over every company in Hubspot to Zendesk. I only want companies that have been won as a new customer. 

Some screenshots to show what is happening have been attached. Any thoughts on why Zapier isn’t working? 



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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @codystokes ! It sounds like there are existing companies in HubSpot, and you when you change  the Lifecycle field of a company to ‘Customer’, you want the Zap to send the information to Zendesk, is that right?


If that’s the case, then the New Company trigger wont do the trick here, sorry about that. You’d need a trigger that fired when that specific property was changed in a company. It’s not currently possible to do that, but we do have a feature request open for the ability to trigger a Zap from changes to a property in Companies. ​I've added you as another vote for this addition, which lets the HubSpot team know how many users are interested in the update and also means that we will send you an email if we have an update on this.

Thank you @Danvers . That’s unfortunate this feature doesn’t exist currently. Thanks for adding me to the list of those wanting it.


Can you think of a workaround in the meantime? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @codystokes Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this! Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way to work around this, I’m sorry 😔