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Hubspot get Contact associated with Deal

  • 9 May 2022
  • 2 replies

My zaps use a Deal Stage Change in Hubspot as a trigger, and gather information about the Contact associated with that Deal. In the now-deprecated New Deal In Stage trigger, that worked by fetching the Contact ID from the AssociatedVids property in the Deal, then using that to fetch the Contact.

If I update the Zap to use the new Updated Deal Stage trigger, I can’t retrieve that field. (To be honest, I can’t remember how I specified that field in the first place -- whether it appeared deep in the list of additional properties or not.)

The Zap using the deprecated trigger still works, and retrieves that property -- so it’s still there in the Deal. Ideas about how to do this using the new trigger or some alternative?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @StewC 

Good question.

Try this Zap action: HubSpot - Find Associations


Userlevel 2

Hi @Troy Tessalone,

Perfect answer! As usual, humbled by my own RTFM mistake. D’Oh! Now:

  • Updated to new Deal Stage trigger >  get Deal ID
  • Find Associations > from Deal to Contact > get Contact ID
  • Find Contact using that ID, and the rest of Zap as before.

Works like a charm. Thanks so much for the quick response.