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I’m setting up a system for a company I’m working with, who get leads in through email. They emails are formatted so they arrive as:


phone number


address line 1

address line 2

and so on. How would I pick a part of the Gmail body to then populate a different column? Ideally A2 would be name, B2 would be phone number etc. 

I can’t see a way to break down the body to populate specific cells with each line of the email. Thanks for any help!

Hi @Mattwalker 

Check out the Mailparser app for email parsing:

Fixed it, for anyone else wanting to know - Instead of using gmail at the start, use Parse Email, make a new mailbox with zapier and set the form to send the email there. You can highlight the text from an email to set it as a custom value and save the template, you can then send it to sheets by allocating the custom values to each cell heading. 

Hi @Mattwalker 

Check out the Mailparser app for email parsing:

hahaha you were a second faster than me, thank you!