Hello everyone,
I'm looking to create a zap including Google Sheets and Send Email.
The first one is a table in which the production status of the different jobs we are working on are regularly added.
For example :

When we have a new job, we add a line from the top. The most recent job is insert at the top.
I would like to do the following zap:
When a cell "In progress" in column B is changed to "Done" send an email to the team.
The problem I have:
When someone adds a new job by inserting a row from the top, all my rows shift down. Zapier considers that all the lines with the mention "Done" that have shifted down are updated and so it sends me as many emails as lines present in the document.
Do you have any idea how I can tell it "Trigger" only when In progress is changed to Done and not when we add a new line and the lines shift down.
Thanks for your help.