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I have set up a GMail trigger to download attachments to Google Drive, if an email matches a GMail filter criteria.

When running the Zap on arriving emails, it will download each file as a separate attachment to the assigned folder.

Is it possible to create a .zip archive of all the attachments in the email, and download that archive to GDrive instead?


NB: Because I could not yet find a way to create a .zip archive, I alternatively tried to add a Step for GDrive to “Find a Folder” with the GMail email Subject + Date, and the “Create folder if it doesn’t exist yet” option enabled. Then I save the attachments to that folder (whereby I can set up a local folder action on my computer to zip the attachments instead). These forum posts roughly cover what I did:


Hi @VJK 

Good question.

I have multiple files on my email but the Zap is giving me a Zip file combining all the files.

If you're using one of the new email-type Gmail triggers and find that all of the attachments on those e-mails are being zipped use the Gmail "New Attachment" trigger instead.
This trigger runs once for every attachment on an email.


Yes, to zip the attachments use the trigger New Email Matching Search (Gmail Trigger)

your search would be something like “has:attachment in:inbox“.

That trigger will just trigger once for an email in your inbox with an attachment. If there are multiple attachments, they will be zipped when uploaded to Drive.