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I’m trying to create a Zap where I find a specific Google doc and use the contents of it to send to ChatGPT as a “user message” or prompt. I’m not sure what I’m missing as I can’t find the contents of it as a data field. Is there another step in this Zap I need to add to extract the text of the document separately as a data point to use in the next step for the ChatGPT step? How do I do this?

Is this possible or out of scope with this ChatGPT integration?

Hi @lou_cm 

Good question.

Check out this related topic:


Thanks so much Troy! I gave this a try and get this error when testing, do you reckon I am missing another step here? 

Failed to create a request in Webhooks by Zapier

The app returned "Unauthorized" (HTTP Status Code: 401)


We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap step is configured.

I have a few screenshots here of the step that is erroring 


Try using GDrive Zap app to find the GDoc file instead of the GDocs Zap app.


I tried that initially but didn’t work so tried Google docs. Tried here again🤔


Make sure the file is publicly accessible. (You may need to change the folder/file sharing permissions in GDrive.)


Or try this GDrive example that uses the file object, instead of a file url.


Oh wow! Thanks Troy, we just had to change the sharing to publicly accessible. I assumed Zapier <> Google Drive authorisation would enable this by default. Thanks so much for all your help!!