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How to update inventory quantity in Google Sheets for Shopify sales?

  • 26 July 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi all.  I’m new to all this.
We run a production business - and make around 50 different units.  
We communicate via slack and sell on shopify.  

I’m looking for a way to connect my production output, to my inventory (sheets) 

And then when shopify makes sales, it alters the inventory (sheets) accordingly.  rnot using -1 formula, but by qty? as a lot of purchases are multiples] 

Hi @TTT 

You can use this template to create a Shopify to google sheet automation:

Thank you @robschmidt  - I have one similar set up currently.  It pulls the SKU and quantity.  
My challenge is getting this to then update my inventory quantity in the google sheet.  
Sometimes the products are purchased in multiple, so the order is output:
SKU: SKU123,SKU124,SKU126
QTY: 1,3,1

In another sheet, I’m running an inventory 
SKU----------- QTY
SKU123  ------ 50