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Hi! I’m a new one here so I apologize if this question has already been answered. I have had no luck searching this in articles. If there is a direct article that answers this question, please post below!

I am trying to trigger an invoice to be created once a specific event is created. I have MULTIPLE events. Right now I am stuck at this screen where it states “user” but it does not allow me to refresh events or type in the specific event I would like to trigger. Im attaching a screenshot of what Im referring too. 

Please help!



Hi @FeliceMK 

In the Calendly Zap trigger, change it to Organization.

Then add a Filter as Step 2:



Hey thank you so much for responding, and so fast! I’m still a little stuck… I wanted the video on this help section but I’m still not seeing the filter option. I changed it to organization thanks to your advice. This is what my screen is showing now. 




Click on the +] between Step 1 and Step 2.

Search or select the Filter app.


Thank you so much Troy! Last question…. I am customizing the fields for the invoice to be created after the client has booked the Calendly event. Im selecting “invitee email”… but next to it is a recent email that scheduled this event. This invoice will be sent to the invitee email, and not the email specifically next to it correct? I hope that makes sense what I’m asking! 

Attaching another screenshot. 


And is there any way to figure out exactly whats wrong with my zap, I’ve troubleshooted all the steps but no luck. 



Hi there @FeliceMK,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

I’m so sorry for the late response here.

It looks like the “Order ID” and the “Customer ID” fields looks for the ID. Have you tried adding a “Find Order” and “Find Customer” action in Square to fetch the required IDs and mapping them to those fields?

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!