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When I write up a quote, I use a Zapier integration with my quote service and I send an email and a text to the potential customer.

The customer may or may not hire me on the spot. If they don’t, I have a marketing workflow that runs for several days after the quote is created.

When the customer accepts the quote, I want to stop all future Zapier marketing steps to avoid customer confusion.

Is this possible? If so, how?

Hi @layco 

Which apps are you trying to use in the Zap steps?

  1. Quotient
  2. Trello
  3. ClickSend


For us to have full context, we would need to see screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured.


In generally, if you are creating your own marketing sequences in Zaps (vs using functionality provided in apps), then it may make more sense to log your data in a database app for us in the Zaps.

Airtable can be used to track and trigger Zaps.

Airtable has Views which are segments of data. (e.g. Date = Today)

The concept would be to create a View for each leg of the marketing campaign, to act as the delay and filter.

As records move into Views based on the View filter conditions, then that would triggers Zaps.