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How to take a link within a description?

I share a photo on facebook with a link within the same description. Then I want to share the same message on various social networks. The problem is that I cannot separate that url from the description, for some social networks that ask me for a field with the link, example pinterest, which asks for the photo link, and also that the pin note cannot have a link inside . How can I do, to segment this, and show the description in url, with url, or the url alone depending on the social network?
PD: Sorry for my bad English, I speak Spanish.
Thank you

Hi there @tophoy ,


I am not sure how the facebook integration works, but what you could do if you like as a workaround:

  • Create a google sheets file
  • Make columns like “description”, “link”
  • Make a Zap workflow that looks up these columns and retrieves data
  • Post this data from the sheet to all your social media accounts

Hope this helps you. If you need any more help with setting up let me know.



Hi @tophoy 

As well as Bjorn’s suggestion above, you can try using a “Formatter->Text->Extract URL” step to get the URL separate from the description.

If in turn you also wanted to get the description separate from the URL, then you could use a “Formatter->Text->Replace” step. The input should be the combined text and description, the ‘find’ should be the extracted URL and the ‘replace’ should be left blank. You’ll get back the description without the URL.

Thank you all for the help, I will try to see how it goes. Thank you.