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Hello! I'd like to set up an automation that connects Circle and Convertkit. When a member of my community in Circle starts a paywall subscription trial, I'd like them to get tagged in Convertkit so I can then set up an automation to send email reminders at end of trial.

I’ve tried to set this up multiple ways, but it is not working for me. It seems like Zapier is not getting enough information from Circle to find specific member tags or paywall subscriptions to pull in when someone does start a new subscription. 

What is the easiest way to do this? Thank you!

Hi there @Hilarie,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I believe the “New Member Active Subscription” is the right trigger for your workflow here since this trigger works on trial subscriptions. Have you tried using the “New Member Active Subscription” trigger to see if it’ll fit your desired workflow?

Please keep me posted!

Thank you! When I tried that, the specific subscription was not pulling up, it was just showing my general Circle community. I may have been doing something wrong. I found a workaround, there is a way to automatically tag members inside Circle when they activate a subscription. I create a zap that triggers a tag in Convertkit when this tag inside Circle happens!

That’s awesome @Hilarie! I’m glad to hear you we’re able to find a workaround and a big thank you for sharing the workaround here.

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗

Thank you! When I tried that, the specific subscription was not pulling up, it was just showing my general Circle community. I may have been doing something wrong. I found a workaround, there is a way to automatically tag members inside Circle when they activate a subscription. I create a zap that triggers a tag in Convertkit when this tag inside Circle happens!


Hey Hilarie - I’m having the same problem.


I have multiple Tags in Circle for the different paywalls and it Zapier doesn’t allow me to pick a specific tag.


Were you able to select a tag inside of Zapier?


I really appreciate any response.


Thank you

Bridget & Team Freedom Queen

Hi there, @bridget👋

Not sure if you’ve already found a solution here but I just came across your post here and wanted to suggest adding a filter to the Zap.

Just thinking that if the trigger you’re using has a field that contains the relevant tag name, then a filter would prevent the Zap from continuing only if that field contained a specific tag. If you’ve not used filters before you can find out more about how to set them up here: Add conditions to Zaps with filters

Hope that helps. Please do let me know if you run into any trouble on that or if you were able to find a different solution. We’d love to hear from you! 🙂