We would like to use Zapier & Twilio (if needed) to SMS 3 phone numbers (our support team) anytime a new Hubspot ticket is created via a client sending an email to our Hubspot Support email address and when a client responds to an existing Hubspot ticket. We would also like a SMS text to be sent to the same 3 phone numbers when a customer support team member of ours responds to a Hubspot ticket. That way, our whole team is aware of when a request has come in and also knows which team member has responded to it.
I've attached a screenshot of the support team's current SMS messaging with Zendesk. They are sent a text for all incoming/outgoing emails and reminders when a ticket needs a response because it has gone unanswered for 12 hours.
It would be great if the text could include:
- Org/Client Name (Pulling from Hubspot)
- Sender (Hubspot contact or our employee)
- URL to the Hubspot ticket
Question - How many minutes should we expect to pass between the incoming/outgoing email for the team to receive the text?
Thank you!