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I would like to automatically get an email notification based on an existing date in Google sheets. The use case is to follow up on booking inquiries.

To cut down on holds on dates that do not materialize, my policy is to keep the hold for 2 weeks then release the hold. If the party goes ahead with the booking, I convert the status of the hold to a booking. 

The dates and times of the start of the hold are already loaded into a Google Sheet cell. I would like to get an email after 2 weeks passes from that date.  This would allow me to then follow up with the party in a timely manner. 


Booking 1: 1/1/2023 => auto email to me on 1/15/2023

Booking 2: 1/15/2023 => auto email to me on 1/30/2023

The caveat that I have is that I would only want that to happen once per row, and old rows would still remain in the spreadsheet. 



Hi @Kmedia 

Good question.

Try adding a Delay - Delay For step to the Zap.

@Troy Tessalone that would be a multi step zap correct? Working my way up to a paid tier but need to sort the processes first so I can justify the spend.  I almost had it working with a google sheets => delay => gmail  but  got an error saying that it was a multistep zap. 

For anyones future reference I solved it by just adding a extension to the date column in google sheets, and the extension sends me a delayed email.   Doesn't give me as much info or flexibility as zapier but it works. 




Another alternative is to use Airtable.

Airtable has Views.

Views can have Filters. (e.g. Date = Today)

Views can be used to trigger Zaps.

Airtable also has Automations.