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Below is a screenshot of an automation for Zapier to send a text reminder to attendees for a certain workshop that matches the conditions of the filter.

How can I set the filter for it to continue if the date/time of the workshop is before 12.00pm?

How should I fill the ??? in the above screenshot?


Good question.

What app/event is being used in the Zap trigger step?

Can you show what Zap trigger step data point you are trying to use in the filter for the timestamp?

Hi Troy! The trigger is from Arlo event management software. Unfortunately I am unable to show the specific details, but it’s a date/time field which I am trying to take the data from.


Good question.

What app/event is being used in the Zap trigger step?

Can you show what Zap trigger step data point you are trying to use in the filter for the timestamp?

Hi Troy! The trigger is from Arlo event management software. Unfortunately I am unable to show the specific details, but it’s a date/time field which I am trying to take the data from. Arlo has their date/time format as YYYY-MM-DDTHH🇲🇲ssZ


Check out this Filter help article (see the date/time conditions section):

You can use a Formatter > Date / Time > Format step in the Zap to get the Time from the Timestamp.