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Hello guys,

I’m new here.

I created this kind of flow :

  1. Someone respond to my form (I use drag n’Survey (similar to typeform)
  2. Answers goes to airtable
  3. Complete a dynamic template into google slide
  4. Send the result by mail to our customers.

My main issue is : when a question have multiple answer in my form, I can’t split answers.

For example : if the question is : what is your favorite car brands ? 
Answer 1 : Ford
Answer 2 : Mercedes
Answer 3 : Toyota.

If the respondant choose all three, I’ll have this kind of answer : Ford,Mercedes,Toyota.

I would like to slip the answers into airtable.

I allready use the line-item, but I have to face this situation very often.

So can u help me to find a way to automaticaly split all my answers please ? :p


Here some screenshoots → Pics 1 & 2 : OK // Pics 3 & 4 = Bad result 





Hi @Tim DnG 

You may need to use multiple formatters or try using code to split the items up more efficiently. 


Hi @Tim DnG 

Perhaps you can outline a specific example of how you expect to see the data in Airtable.


What type of Airtable field are you using for the values?

Are you using a Multiselect field in Airtable?

If yes, then you don’t need to do anything with the data, as Airtable will handle and split based on commas.

Hi @Tim DnG 

For just splitting these answers you can try using Split Test selecting Text in the formatter.You can see from the same from my test where I have selected two multi-choice responses submitted in typeform and got the output as you wanted using comma as the separator along with a comma in between two responses in input step.


Regarding adding them to airtable just like @Troy Tessalone  I would like to know how you want the data to be presented.If its a multi-select type of field do you want them all in a single column like the screenshot below? 

Please let us know so we can provide the solution for you.






Hello everybody,

Thanks for your answers. You help me a lot !

I use the trick of GetUWired. And it work perfectly for my needs.

Thanks again !

Topic can be close ;)