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How to send Xero purchase order details to Excel/Airtable?

  • 19 January 2022
  • 12 replies

I’m on a paid plan.

I’ve connected XERO and it’s working for invoices and contacts. But using the same processes as invoices and contacts, I can’t get a new purchase order to activate a zap. The test works fine.

Weirdly the test doesn’t pull in the most recent purchase order though, it always pulls in the first PO I ever created, but the invoice test always pulls in the most recent.


Is anyone successfully automating new PO’s from XERO in to anything?


I need new purchase order details to be copied to a sheet so I can get details like amount, delivery address, delivery date, etc.

This post has been closed for comments. Please create a new post if you need help or have a question about this topic.

12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @ZappyGlenn (great name, by the way!) I was wondering if Troy’s answer in the post here applied to the behavior you’re running into: 

If not, the Zap is turned on and still isn’t picking up on the new PO when you create one, and there is no record of the PO in your Zap History, I might suggest taking this one to Support, where they can dig into logs and better diagnose your issue:

Let us know what you find out - we’d love to hear the solution to help others running into a similar issue!

Hi Jesse,

Thanks :)

That solution is basically, “wait”. I’ve had this Zap active for months and it’s never worked once, despite the test running every time.

Have sent a request to support.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thanks for the heads up @Glenn! Please do let us know what support says - curious as to what might be going on here!

Hi All,


I’m having the same issue. 2/3 zaps fine, just Purchase Orders that doesn’t work (tests successfully like OP above).


I’m interested to know the outcome here and have raised a ticket myself.


I noticed the set up trigger under PO’s is “Authorized” on zap but called “Approved” on Xero. I wonder if this is causing the break in pulling the data?





Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @ZappyGlenn, @ConvergentTech, and anyone else following, I checked in with support and can confirm that there is an open bug regarding new purchase orders not triggering affecting some users. I have notified the team about this and we will update this thread as soon as things have been fixed. 

Buster, I have added you as someone who is affected by this so in addition to following along on this thread, we’ll also send you a personal email for when this gets resolved.

Sorry for the bummer news but thanks so much for your patience as we work on fixing this!

Userlevel 1

Hello, I have been wanting this to be fix for about a year now so glad something is happening! Has this now been fixed?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thanks for reaching out, @jakedot2dot! Apologies for the delay.

While I don’t have an update to share at the moment, I did get you added to that list of affected users! In addition to updating the thread, we’ll be sure to send an email as soon as we know more. 🙂

Hey @ZappyGlenn@ConvergentTech, and anyone else following, I checked in with support and can confirm that there is an open bug regarding new purchase orders not triggering affecting some users. I have notified the team about this and we will update this thread as soon as things have been fixed. 

Buster, I have added you as someone who is affected by this so in addition to following along on this thread, we’ll also send you a personal email for when this gets resolved.

Sorry for the bummer news but thanks so much for your patience as we work on fixing this!

Hi Jesse I've run into a road block any news if there is any movement on this or a work around

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Nickb, welcome to the Community!

I’m afraid I don’t have an update or workaround for you, I’m sorry about that. 

I’ll get in touch with the team that handles the Xero integration here at Zapier to see if they’re able to provide any information. When I hear back from them I’ll come back and reply on this post. 

Sorry that I don’t have better news for you!

Userlevel 1

Hello all, is this fixed yet? I’m still in need of this to work before I purchase a subscription

I just spoke with support about this and it sounds like we’re getting some traction… We are also having issues with the purchase order details. In our case the issue is porting through certain data to google Sheets and Asana. For the most part data is coming through OK actually but we’ve only been testing for a short time. Our main problem is the ITEM data is not available to pull from Xero. There is a ‘Line Items’ option but if we were to use that,  a single Sheet cell it would be un readable and a mile long because it includes ALL line items (and duplicate info like price) instead of just one line item name.

So we have the description, quantity, total for example available as variables but arguably the most important piece of data, the Item name is not available. That’s odd, and would be a much appreciated fix in the next version of this Zap or if you are able to fix the current tool. Thanks.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey folks,

Just popping by to share that the New Purchase Order trigger has been fixed. So you can once again have Zaps triggering from new purchase orders that are added in Xero! 🎉

Hope you’re able to give that New Purchase Order trigger a try soon. If you run into any further issues with it please reach out in the Community or get in touch with Support to let us know.

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡