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We have 2 courses providers - ‘Course Provider A’ and ‘Course Provider B’

I have setup a zap for ‘Course Provider A’. They supply us with 1 unique course only. The rest of the courses on our website are supplied by ‘Course Provider B’. 


When ‘Customer A’ purchases the unique course on it’s own the correct quantity value is sent to ‘Course Provider A’. However, when ‘Customer B’ purchases a variety of courses including the unique course, the correct quantity doesn’t get sent to ‘Course Provider A’. 

If i look at the order log, the qty reads as: 1,2,1


Can anyone help me correct this issue please, thank you.

Hi @chaz! Could I ask you share a few more details about your Zap - what apps are you using? Which triggers/actions?


It looks like the information is coming through as line items (here’s a guide on what that means) but we’ll need to know a bit more about the Zap to know for sure. If you could take a screenshot of the action step of the Zap (the ‘Customize’ part), that would be super helpful - don’t forget to obscure/remove any personal or private information!