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I've added the right zaps and started setting it up. The trigger for a deal stage change is straight-forward. But then I can't seem to make the Zap use the associated contact's email from the deal. I don't see an option for that. I tried adding Find Contact in Hubspot as a step between deal stage change and the email, but that didn't work either. Anyone know what option to select to use the deal's associated contact's email? Lot of websites talk about using the zaps (which I have), but I can't get the settings right.


Hi @techsystems101 

Good question.

Try adding this Zap action: HubSpot - Find Associations


I have added that, but which field is the one I need to select to retrieve the Deal’s contact’s email address?



This field expects a HubSpot Object ID.


Is this a joke? You mean to tell me that I need to create a zap for each individual deal? I’d rather just email my clients manually like I have been doing so far. The idea here is basic, basic, basic.

If deal stage is changed to X, send email with 5 documents attached to the associated contact.

Yet I have to not only know the deal info, but also the contact info to set up the zap. This is an integration. It should be able to pull that information from HubSpot. 1 zap for thousands of deals. This doesn’t seem right at all.


When you map variables between Zap steps, each time the Zap Runs, the variable value changes, thus making the data dynamic.

Help article for how to configure Zap action steps:

The UI is too confusing. It needs to be reworked asap. I’m sure it makes sense to those who wrote it.

Why would anyone know a Deal’s ID or Contact’s ID when setting up a zap. It's not even relevant. The idea here is to use all data in the CRM, not a single contact or single deal per zap.

If deal is changed to stage X, email associated contact. The Deal ID is equal to the deal whose stage changed to X. The Contact ID is equal to the contact associated to the deal whose stage changed to X.

I guess the basic stuff is not possible. I’ll come back when I’ve memorized all my contact and deal IDs. LOL.


Most apps rely on unique system generate IDs in their API requests rather than friendly labels because the IDs will never change, whereas for example a HubSpot Deal name can change.


It just a matter of mapping the correct variable that represent the HubSpot object record ID. (no memorization necessary)


It’s all very possible to configure.

I guess it will work for some. After 2 hours, I’ve given up. It shouldn’t be that hard. I’ve also disconnect the integration from my HubSpot account. The UI makes no sense whatsoever. Nice try though, I guess 🙂


Best to share feedback via a ticket to Zapier Support:

Since I am not in software QA at Zapier, I would expect to be paid for my feedback on their paid software product. Do they pay for feedback?


Zapier has a free plan.

From time to time Zapier runs paid surveys to solicit feedback about features and functionality.

Above in the your comments, you already freely shared your feedback.

The best channel to submit feedback for it to be properly logged internally at Zapier is via a ticket to Zapier Support if you so choose.

