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How to select multiple collaborators and tasks on Asana with Zapier

  • 26 September 2022
  • 1 reply

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I have connected Zapier with Asana , Created a Zap , New Task in project in Asana to Update Task in Asana . The Reason is we want the people that open us the tickets on Asana , to be added automatically as collaborators in order to have access on the ticket . I have created the Zap and tested it for a single ticket and it works but i can’t find a way to select all tickets or make a rule saying that every ticket that comes in should do that action . 


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @EXC! It doesn’t look like we have a way to update tasks in Zapier but after some digging in the Asana community, it looks like you may be able to add additional collaborators utilizing their “rules” functionality:

Perhaps that helps get you closer to what you’re looking to accomplish here? Let us know!