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How to segment Clickbank buyers in Getresponse with Lookup Table

  • 22 January 2022
  • 2 replies

Hi there Zapier community. 


I want to automatically sign up buyers of my Clickbank products to the corresponding GetResponse lists. For example:


- Buyer buys Main Product => gets signed up to List A

- Buyer buys Upsell 1 => gets signed up to List B

- Buyer buys Upsell 2 => gets signed up to List C


Here are the steps in my zap:


Trigger (New Test Sale In Clickbank) > Action (Lookup Table) > Action (Find List in Getresponse) > Action (Create or Update Contact In Gertesponse). 


After created the Lookup Table, I selected “Line Item Data Item No” as my Lookup Key. Then on the left side of the Lookup Table (key), I listed all of my Clickbank products item no. On the right side of the Lookup Table (Value), I then matched each Clickbank products item no with respective designated Getresponse list. I tried plugging in the Getresponse list token, list ID, and list name…


But the output data kept showing “Output: No Data”. And everything just didn’t work.


What is the part that I missed out? Or is there anything that I did wrongly in the steps?


Please, I need some guidance here. Thanks in advance. 



Hi @Eric Jee 

Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

Please post screenshots with the sample data being used to manually test each Zap step and the returned response from testing.

Hi @Troy Tessalone 


Thank you so much for your response. 


I’ve included all screenshots and sample data and returned response in this Google Doc:

I tried to be as concise as possible. Hopefully it doesn’t confuse you. 


Thanks in advance. I look forward to hearing from you.

