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How to search for a specific column in Google Sheets given a successfully found row?

  • 13 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi all, 

I have a Zap that submits a student’s homework from Typeform given the custom fields: Full Name and Week #. 

For example, a student Jessica (in cell A18) sends in a homework assignment with the title: Jessica - Week 3. i want the Zap to find Jessica’s row (which it does successfully with the Lookup Row function) and then based on the submission, mark down the Week #  as “DONE” for that particular row. So in this example, Jessica would be marked down as DONE for I18 cell. 

I can successfully find the Google Sheet Row with Jessica’s name on it, however, I cannot dynamically find the column in Zapier to mark down the cell as “DONE”. Does anyone have a workaround for this ?

Thank you! 



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Userlevel 7
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Hey @jarednguyen2000, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

Hmm, perhaps you could use Formatter by Zapier to extract the week number and then use Paths by Zapier to run a update to the specific column based on the week number that was extracted?

I’m thinking that if the assignments always follow the same format of Name - Week Number then you could use a Formatter (Text > Split Text) action to split on the - and return the week and it’s number. Check out our: Split text fields in Zaps for details on how to set up that type of Formatter action. And if you’re not familiar with paths you can learn more about it here: Add branching logic to Zaps with paths

Do you think that sort of approach could work for your needs here?