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I’m trying to set up a zap to pull all the messages in a thread, combine the text and or, just summarize the the text across all the messages and post it back to the original thread. 

Please help me!

Hi @Jesse.Pilarski 

Have you tried using the Slack AI to summarize a thread?




I’m trying to make a hacky way around that because it’s a very expensive feature to enable. 


Did you try using this Zap action: Slack - Retrieve Thread Messages


Yeah, fiddled around with that yesterday, but I can’t use that zap to send the message data to an AI tool to summarize the text because the output is unavailable/greyed out.





Did you test Zap step 2?

I managed to get it working.  

The issue was that the test kept failing because Zapier's default 'Hi' message doesn't include a thread. I resolved this by specifying a message from my company's Slack organization that was part of a thread.


Yay! 🎉 So pleased you got this sorted @Jesse.Pilarski. And thanks so much for coming back here to share what the solution was, we really appreciate it! 🤗

Seems like you’re all set for now but if not, just reach back out to the Community and we’ll be happy to help. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
